Saturday, July 17, 2010


Chris and I want to say a big thanks, to our continued, monthly donors ! Checks still arrive in the mail each month to keep Chris' recovery moving forward! In the pictures above, Chris stretches on his own before starting his weekly workout at Project Walk with trainers! Because of the kind donations from Help Chris Walk supporters, Chris has been able to stay at Project Walk for almost 4 years now and it's not cheep! Each hour at Project Walk costs $100-out of pocket. Trainers at Project Walk are specialized in their field and not only work there to get a pay check, but truly care about each client. Insurance doesn't cover Project Walk, so that's where Help Chris Walk comes in! Project Walk, medical expenses, wheelchair tubes and tires, equipment, etc., costs over $28,000/year! Save the date, for October 9th, and come on out to see another night full of family and friends who love to "Help Chris Walk".

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